List of points

There are 12 points in Furrow refer to Sorrow.

You spoke about the scenes in the life of Jesus which moved you most: when he met men suffering greatly… when he brought peace and health to those whose bodies and souls were racked with pain… You were inspired — you went on — seeing him cure leprosy, restore sight to the blind, heal the paralytic at the pool: the poor beggar forgotten by everybody. You are able to contemplate Him as He was, so profoundly human, so close at hand!

—Well… Jesus continues being the same as then.

You asked Our Lord to let you suffer a little for Him. But when suffering comes in such a normal, human form — family difficulties and problems… or those thousand awkward things of ordinary life — you find it hard to see Christ behind it. —Open your hands willingly to those nails… and your sorrow will be turned into joy.

Don’t complain if you suffer. It is the prized and valued stone that is polished.

Does it hurt? —Allow yourself to be cut, gratefully, because God has taken you in his hands as if you were a diamond. An ordinary pebble is not worked on like that.

Those who flee like cowards from suffering have something to meditate on when they see the enthusiasm with which other souls embrace pain.

There are many men and women who know how to suffer in a Christian way. Let us follow their example.

You complain? And you tell me you have reason to complain: One pinprick after another!…

—But do you not realise that it is silly to be surprised at finding thorns among roses?

Let me continue, as I have always done, to speak to you confidentially. For not to have the heart to talk about my own sufferings it is enough to have a Crucifix in front of me… And I don’t mind adding that I have suffered a lot, though always cheerfully.

Are you misunderstood? He was the Truth and the Light, but not even those close to him understood him. —As I have asked you so often before, remember Our Lord’s words: “The disciple is not greater than his Master.”

For a son of God, contradictions and calumnies are what wounds received on the battlefield are for a soldier.

They say this and that about you… But what does your good name matter?

In any case don’t feel ashamed or sorry for yourself, but for them: for those who ill-treat you.

Sometimes they didn’t want to understand: it is as if they were blind… But sometimes it has been you who did not manage to be understood properly. You must change that!

It is not enough to be right. You have to know how to prove it and others should want to recognise the truth.

However, state the truth whenever necessary, without bothering about “what they will say”.

If you frequent the Master’s school, you will not be surprised at also having to fight against the misunderstandings of so very many people who could help you a great deal if only they made the effort to be a bit more understanding.

References to Holy Scripture