List of points

There are 5 points in Furrow refer to Unity.

True unity cannot be promoted by making new divisions… Even less can it come about when its promoters wish to gain control and take over from lawful authority.

In the apostolate, obey without paying attention to the human qualities of whoever it is asks you to do something, or to the way he asks you. Otherwise it is no virtue at all.

There are many kinds of crosses: some have diamonds or pearls or emeralds on them, some are enamelled or made of ivory… But some are made of wood like Our Lord’s. All deserve the same veneration, for the Cross tells us about the sacrifice of God made Man. —Apply this consideration to your obedience, without forgetting that He embraced the Wood of the Cross lovingly, without hesitation! There he obtained our Redemption.

Only after obeying, which is a sign of rectitude of intention, may you make fraternal correction with the required conditions, and reinforce unity by fulfilling the duty in question.

A gentle wind is not the same as a hurricane. Anyone can resist the first: it is child’s play, a parody of struggle.

—Gladly you bore small contradictions, shortages and little urgent problems. And you enjoyed the interior peace of thinking: now I am really working for God, because here we have the Cross!…

But now, my poor son, the hurricane has come, and you feel you are being shaken by a force that could uproot century-old trees. You feel this from without and within. But you must remain confident, for your Faith and your Love cannot be uprooted, nor can you be blown from your way… if you remain with the “head”, if you maintain unity.

The tactics of a tyrant towards those who could overthrow him if they were united are to make them quarrel among themselves. —It is an old ploy of the enemy, the devil and his followers, to destroy many apostolic plans.

You should always avoid complaining, criticising, gossiping… You must avoid absolutely anything that could bring discord among brothers.