List of points

There are 12 points in The Way refer to Unity.

Don't worry if people say you have esprit de corps. What do they want? A brittle instrument, that falls to pieces the moment it is grasped?

The power of charity! — If you live that blessed fraternal spirit your mutual weakness will also be a support to keep you upright in the fulfilment of duty: just as in a house of cards, one card supports another.

You know of someone whose soul is in danger? — From afar, with your life of union, you can give him effective help. Help him then, and don't worry.

Do you see? One strand of wire entwined with another, many woven tightly together, form that cable strong enough to lift huge weights.

You and your brothers, with wills united to carry out God's will can overcome all obstacles.

Communion, union, conversation, confidence: word, bread, love.

You will find it easier to do your duty if you think of how your brothers are helping you, and of the help you fail to give them if you are not faithful.

Priority, order. Everything in its place. — What would be left of a Velasquez painting if each colour were to mingle with the next, if each thread of the canvas were to break apart, if each piece of the wooden frame were to separate itself from the others?

Don't be a fool! It's true that at most you play the part of a little bolt in that great undertaking of Christ's.

But do you know what happens when a bolt is not tight enough or when it works itself out of place? Bigger parts also work loose or the gear-wheels get damaged and broken.

The work is slowed up. Perhaps the whole machine will be rendered useless.

What a big thing it is to be a little bolt!

How anxious people are to get out of place! Think what would happen if each bone and each muscle of the human body wanted to occupy some position other than that proper to it.

There is no other reason for the world's discontent. Persevere in your place, my son; there… what work you can do to establish our Lord's true kingdom!

The isolated efforts of each one of you have little effect. Let the charity of Christ unite you, and you will be amazed at their effectiveness.

Don't forget that unity is a sign of life: to disunite means putrefaction — a clear sign of being a corpse.

You were amazed to hear me approve of the lack of 'uniformity' in that apostolate in which you work. And I told you:

Unity and variety. You have to be different from one another, as the saints in heaven are different, each having his own personal and special characteristics. But also as alike one another as the saints, who would not be saints if each of them had not identified himself with Christ.