List of points

There are 12 points in The Forge refer to Dedication.

“What do I have to do to maintain my love for God and make it increase?” you asked me, fired with enthusiasm.

—Leave the “old man” behind, my son, and cheerfully give up things which are good in themselves but hinder your detachment from your ego… You have to repeat constantly and with deeds, “Here I am, Lord, ready to do whatever you want.”

When you speak to God, even if you think yours are just empty words, ask him for a greater dedication, for a more determined progress towards Christian perfection. Ask him to put more fire into you!

Renew your firm resolution to live your Christian life right now, at every moment and in all circumstances.

This is the truth of a Christian’s life: self-giving and love — love of God and, for God’s sake, love of one’s neighbour — founded on sacrifice.

My Jesus: what’s mine is yours, because what’s yours is mine, and what’s mine I abandon in you.

We do not live for the world, or for our own honour, but for the honour of God, for the glory of God, for the service of God. It is this that should be our motive!

Ever since Jesus Christ Our Lord founded the Church, this Mother of ours has suffered continual persecution. Perhaps in other times persecution was carried out openly, while nowadays it is often done surreptitiously: but today as yesterday the Church continues to be attacked.

—How great is our obligation to live every day as responsible Catholics!

Use this prescription for your life: “I don’t remember that I exist . I don’t think of my own affairs, because there is no time left.”

—Work and service!

These are the characteristics that define the incomparable goodness of our holy Mother, Mary: a love taken to the extreme, fulfilling the Will of God with tender care; a complete forgetfulness of herself, for she is happy to be where God wants her to be.

—For this reason, not even the slightest gesture of hers is trivial. Learn from her.

Don’t be scared when Jesus asks you for more, even the happiness of your own family. You must be convinced that from the supernatural point of view he has the right to override all those close to you, for the sake of his Glory.

When I am told that there are people dedicated to God who are no longer striving with fervour for sanctity, I think that — if there is any truth in this — their lives are heading towards great failure.

You can do so much good, and so much harm!

—You will do good if you are humble and you give yourself cheerfully, with a spirit of sacrifice: good for yourself and for your fellow men, and for that good Mother, the Church.

—And how much harm if you allow yourself to be led by your pride.