List of points

There are 12 points in The Way refer to Means.

You say you've failed! We never fail. You placed your confidence wholly in God. Nor did you neglect any human means.

Convince yourself of this truth: your success — this time, in this — was to fail. — Give thanks to our Lord… and try again!

And what of the means? — They are the same as those of Peter and of Paul, of Dominic and Francis, of Ignatius and Xavier: the Cross and the Gospel…

Don't they satisfy you?

In your apostolic undertakings you are right — it's your duty — to consider what means the world can offer you (2+2=4), but don't forget — ever! — that, fortunately, your calculations must include another term: God+2+2…

Serve your God unwaveringly, be faithful to him, and worry about nothing else. For it is indeed true that 'if you set your hearts on the kingdom of God and on his righteousness, he will give you all these other things — material necessities, the means — as well'.

Forget that despair produced by the realization of your weakness. — True: financially you are a zero, in social standing another zero, and another in virtues, and another in talent.

But to the left of these noughts, stands Christ. And what an incalculable figure we get!

So you are a nobody. And others have done wonders, are still doing them, in organisation, in publicity, in the press. And they have all the means, while you have none? Well then, Just remember Ignatius.

Ignorant, among the doctors of Alcala; penniless, among the students of Paris, persecuted, slandered…

That is the way: to love and to believe and… to suffer! Your Love and your Faith and your Cross are the infallible means to give effect — eternal effect — to the longing for apostolate that you bear in your heart.

You realise you are weak. And so indeed you are. In spite of that — rather, Just because of that — God has chosen you.

He always uses inadequate instruments, so that the 'work' will be seen to be his.

Of you, he only asks docility.

When you really 'give yourself' to God, there will be no difficulty that can shake your optimism.

Why do you overlook those corners of your heart? As long as you don't 'give yourself' completely, you can't expect to win over others.

What a poor instrument you are!

But, surely — at this stage — you don't mean to tell me that you need the approval, the favour the encouragement of the powerful, to go on doing what God wants?

The powerful often change, and you have to be constant. Be grateful if they help you. But go ahead, unperturbed, if they treat you with contempt.

Take no notice. Madness has always been the term that 'prudent' people apply to God's works.

Forward! Without fear!

Do you see? One strand of wire entwined with another, many woven tightly together, form that cable strong enough to lift huge weights.

You and your brothers, with wills united to carry out God's will can overcome all obstacles.

References to Holy Scripture