List of points

There are 17 points in The Way refer to Humility.

Don't be so touchy. The least thing offends you. it's necessary to weigh one's words well before speaking to you even on the most

trivial matter.

Don't be annoyed if I tell you that you are… unbearable. Unless you change, you will never be of any use.

Your manly character — simple and straightforward — is oppressed when you find yourself entangled in gossip and mischievous talk, which you cannot understand and in which you never wished to be involved. Undergo the humiliation that such talk causes you and let the experience teach you greater discretion.

Holy purity is given by God when it is asked for with humility.

You don't conquer yourself, you don't practise self— denial, because you are proud. You lead a life of penance? Don't forget that pride is compatible with penance… Furthermore: your sorrow, after your falls, after your failures in generosity — is it true sorrow or is it the petty disappointment of seeing yourself so small and helpless? How far you are from Jesus if you are not humble…, even though your disciplines each day bring forth fresh roses!

What a taste of gall and vinegar, of ash and aloes! What a dry and coated palate! And this physical feeling seems as nothing compared with that other bad taste, the one in your soul.

The fact is that 'more is being asked of you', and you can't bring yourself to give it. Humble yourself Would that bitter taste still remain in your flesh and your spirit if you did all that you could?

That Christ you see is not Jesus. It is only the pitiful image that your blurred eyes are able to form… — Purify yourself. Clarify your sight with humility and penance. Then… the pure light of Love will not be denied you. And you will have perfect vision. The image you see will be really his: his!

Your charity is ostentatious. From afar, you attract; you have light. From near by, you repel; you lack warmth. What a pity I

When you hear your success being applauded, let there also sound in your ears the laughter you provoked with your failures.

Don't wish to be like the gilded weather-cock on top of a great building: however much it shines, and however high it stands, it adds nothing to the solidity of the building.

Rather be like an old stone block hidden in the foundations, underground, where no one can see you: because of you the house will not fall.

The more I am exalted, Jesus, the more I want you to humble me in my heart, showing me what I have been, and what I will be if you leave me.

Don't forget that you are a… dust-bin. That's why if by any chance the divine Gardener lays his hands on you, and scrubs and cleans you, and fills you with magnificent flowers, neither the scent nor the colour that embellish your ugliness should make you proud.

Humble yourself: don't you know that you are the rubbish bin?

The day you see yourself as you are, you will think it natural to be despised by others.

Get rid of those proud thoughts: you are but the brush in the hand of the artist. And nothing more.

Tell me: of what use is a brush, if it won't let the painter do his work?

If you wish to be humble — you, who are so empty and self-satisfied — just consider these words of Isaias: you are 'a drop of water or dew that falls on the ground and is scarcely seen.'

If obedience does not give you peace, it is because you are proud.

Your talents, your personality, your opportunities… are being wasted: you are not allowed to make full use of them.

Meditate well these words of a spiritual writer: 'The incense offered to God is not wasted. Our Lord is more honoured by the immolation of your talents than by the vain use of them.'

All our fortitude is on loan.

References to Holy Scripture