List of points

There are 5 points in The Way refer to Angels.

How frankly you laughed when I advised you to put the years of your youth under the protection of Saint Raphael: 'so that he'll lead you, like young Tobias, to a holy marriage, with a girl who is good and pretty and rich', I told you, jokingly.

And then, how thoughtful you became!… when I went on to advise you to put yourself also under the patronage of that young apostle John; in case God were to ask more of you.

Ne timeas, Maria.' Do not be afraid, Mary!' Our Lady was troubled at the presence of the Archangel.

And to think that I want to throw away those details of modesty, that are the safeguard of my purity!

You tell me that in your breast you have fire and water, cold and heat, empty passions and God… one candle lit to Saint Michael and another to the devil.

Don't worry: as long as you want to fight there are not two candles burning in your breast. There is only one: the Archangel's.

Listen to me, you who are absorbed in science: your science cannot deny the reality of diabolic activities. My Mother, the holy Church, for many years required her priests each day at the foot of the altar to invoke Saint Michael, 'against the wickedness and snares of the devil'.

If you live the 'life of childhood', you should have the sweet tooth of a child, a 'spiritual sweet tooth!' Like those 'of your age', think of the good things your Mother keeps.

And do so many times a day. It just takes a moment… Mary… Jesus… the Tabernacle… Communion… Love… suffering… the blessed souls in purgatory… those who are fighting: the Pope, the priests… the faithful… your soul… the souls of your people… the guardian Angels… sinners…

References to Holy Scripture
References to Holy Scripture
References to Holy Scripture