Perhaps someone will think I am naive. It doesn't worry me. Although I may be labelled as such, because I still believe in charity, I assure you I will believe in it, always! And, while God gives me life, I shall continue, as a priest of Jesus Christ, to work for unity and peace among those who are brothers by the very fact that they are children of the same Father, God. I shall continue to work with the aim of getting men to understand each other, and to share the same ideal, the ideal of the Faith!

Let us turn to Our Lady, the prudent and faithful Virgin, and to St Joseph, her husband, the perfect model of the just man. They, who lived the virtues we have just contemplated in the presence of Jesus, the Son of God, will obtain for us the grace we need to have the same virtues rooted in our souls, so that we may resolve always to behave as good disciples of the Master: prudent, just and full of charity.

References to Holy Scripture
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