
Matthew 1, 18–24The Way653

Matthew 1, 18–25Furrow647

Matthew 1, 19Christ is passing by40Friends of God174

Matthew 2, 2–3Christ is passing by313233

Matthew 2, 3–12The Forge636

Matthew 2, 3The Forge248

Matthew 2, 4Christ is passing by33

Matthew 2, 5Christ is passing by33

Matthew 2, 8Furrow633

Matthew 2, 9Christ is passing by33

Matthew 2, 10Christ is passing by35The Forge239

Matthew 2, 11Christ is passing by35

Matthew 2, 12The Forge366

Matthew 2, 13–15Furrow999

Matthew 2, 13Christ is passing by42

Matthew 3, 2Christ is passing by180

Matthew 3, 9Furrow418

Matthew 4, 1–11Christ is passing by6163Friends of God2743128224239

Matthew 4, 4The Way87

Matthew 4, 17Christ is passing by180

Matthew 4, 18–20Christ is passing by245108

Matthew 4, 18–22The Way799

Matthew 4, 19Friends of God260

Matthew 4, 20–22The Forge6356

Matthew 5, 3Christ is passing by180Friends of God123

Matthew 5, 6Friends of God167

Matthew 5, 7Christ is passing by7

Matthew 5, 8Christ is passing by5Friends of God175

Matthew 5, 11The Forge795

Matthew 5, 13–14Christ is passing by96147

Matthew 5, 13–16The Forge22

Matthew 5, 13Furrow342The Way921

Matthew 5, 14–16Friends of God61

Matthew 5, 15–16Christ is passing by1072147Furrow930

Matthew 5, 15The Forge44

Matthew 5, 16Furrow718The Way842

Matthew 5, 22Christ is passing by67

Matthew 5, 29The Way163

Matthew 5, 43–44Friends of God223231

Matthew 5, 48Christ is passing by33Conversations115562Friends of God177Furrow125314The Way291

Matthew 6, 3The Way466

Matthew 6, 7Friends of God145

Matthew 6, 8Friends of God145

Matthew 6, 9The Way84

Matthew 6, 10Christ is passing by180

Matthew 6, 16–18Friends of God136

Matthew 6, 19–21Friends of God118254

Matthew 6, 21Christ is passing by35165The Way421

Matthew 6, 22–23Furrow328

Matthew 6, 24Friends of God118165The Way300

Matthew 6, 32–33Christ is passing by35180

Matthew 6, 33The Way472

Matthew 7, 3Furrow328

Matthew 7, 6Friends of God38

Matthew 7, 7The Forge536

Matthew 7, 14Friends of God307

Matthew 7, 20Conversations81

Matthew 7, 21Christ is passing by93173180Friends of God243The Forge358The Way754

Matthew 7, 22–23The Way930

Matthew 8, 2–3The Way142

Matthew 8, 2Christ is passing by93119The Forge665

Matthew 8, 8Christ is passing by119

Matthew 8, 11Christ is passing by38

Matthew 8, 12Christ is passing by180

Matthew 8, 20Friends of God43128224The Forge523

Matthew 8, 23–27Furrow119

Matthew 8, 24Friends of God128

Matthew 9, 2Friends of God253The Forge231233

Matthew 9, 4Christ is passing by164

Matthew 9, 5Furrow782The Way264

Matthew 9, 9The Way799

Matthew 9, 11Friends of God176

Matthew 9, 12The Way536

Matthew 9, 13Furrow992

Matthew 9, 20–22The Forge233

Matthew 9, 20–23Friends of God199

Matthew 9, 21The Forge324

Matthew 9, 36Christ is passing by133

Matthew 9, 37–38Friends of God272The Way800

Matthew 9, 37The Forge906

Matthew 9, 38Christ is passing by158

Matthew 10, 16Furrow910

Matthew 10, 22The Forge656

Matthew 10, 24Christ is passing by67Conversations66Furrow239The Way699

Matthew 10, 32–33Furrow970

Matthew 10, 33Furrow369

Matthew 10, 34Furrow408

Matthew 10, 35Furrow816

Matthew 10, 37The Way907

Matthew 10, 38Friends of God304

Matthew 10, 39Christ is passing by24Friends of God38

Matthew 11, 5Conversations110

Matthew 11, 12Christ is passing by82180Furrow130

Matthew 11, 15Friends of God170

Matthew 11, 18–19Christ is passing by67

Matthew 11, 18Friends of God176

Matthew 11, 25Friends of God87

Matthew 11, 28–30Christ is passing by18176184

Matthew 11, 28Friends of God131The Forge867

Matthew 11, 29–30Friends of God283197128175224247

Matthew 11, 29Furrow261The Way607

Matthew 11, 30Conversations97Furrow198The Way758

Matthew 12, 1Friends of God128

Matthew 12, 7Furrow992

Matthew 12, 30Furrow9

Matthew 12, 34Christ is passing by164

Matthew 12, 36–37The Way447

Matthew 12, 36Furrow926

Matthew 12, 37Friends of God6

Matthew 12, 50Furrow33

Matthew 13, 3–8Christ is passing by150

Matthew 13, 3The Forge970

Matthew 13, 24–25Christ is passing by123147180The Forge464

Matthew 13, 24–30Furrow677

Matthew 13, 28Christ is passing by123

Matthew 13, 31–33The Way695

Matthew 13, 31Christ is passing by180

Matthew 13, 33Christ is passing by120180

Matthew 13, 36Christ is passing by2The Forge579The Way695

Matthew 13, 44–45Christ is passing by180The Forge993

Matthew 13, 47Christ is passing by180

Matthew 13, 55Christ is passing by1455Friends of God176The Way491

Matthew 14, 13–21The Forge341

Matthew 14, 13Furrow470

Matthew 14, 16–19The Forge674

Matthew 14, 19–20The Forge675

Matthew 14, 31Christ is passing by2The Forge805

Matthew 14, 35–36The Forge158

Matthew 15, 4Conversations101

Matthew 15, 14Conversations93

Matthew 15, 19Christ is passing by73164

Matthew 15, 25Friends of God304

Matthew 15, 32Christ is passing by117146

Matthew 16, 4Conversations59

Matthew 16, 6–7Christ is passing by2

Matthew 16, 8Christ is passing by2

Matthew 16, 16Christ is passing by2

Matthew 16, 18The Forge637

Matthew 16, 23Christ is passing by2

Matthew 16, 24–26Friends of God114128130200216250

Matthew 16, 24Friends of God4The Forge823

Matthew 17, 17Christ is passing by2

Matthew 17, 19The Way585

Matthew 18, 3Christ is passing by135143Friends of God147

Matthew 18, 20Conversations103

Matthew 18, 21–35Christ is passing by7

Matthew 18, 23–35Conversations113

Matthew 18, 24Friends of God168

Matthew 18, 25Christ is passing by35

Matthew 19, 3–11Conversations97

Matthew 19, 4Conversations14

Matthew 19, 11Conversations122

Matthew 19, 12Conversations92

Matthew 19, 14Friends of God290

Matthew 19, 21–22The Way807

Matthew 19, 21Friends of God24

Matthew 19, 22Friends of God24

Matthew 19, 23Christ is passing by180

Matthew 19, 29The Forge281The Way670

Matthew 20, 1Friends of God42

Matthew 20, 12Christ is passing by158Friends of God4452

Matthew 20, 22Christ is passing by15Friends of God67

Matthew 20, 28Christ is passing by93Friends of God173230The Forge612

Matthew 21, 1–3The Forge672

Matthew 21, 5–7The Forge607

Matthew 21, 5Friends of God103

Matthew 21, 18–19Friends of God50128201202

Matthew 21, 20–22Friends of God203

Matthew 21, 21Christ is passing by2

Matthew 21, 28Friends of God57

Matthew 21, 29Friends of God57

Matthew 21, 33Friends of God48

Matthew 21, 43Christ is passing by180

Matthew 22, 2Christ is passing by180

Matthew 22, 15The Forge558

Matthew 22, 16Friends of God156158159162163

Matthew 22, 17Friends of God165

Matthew 22, 18–21Friends of God165

Matthew 22, 37–40Friends of God27222

Matthew 22, 37Christ is passing by159Friends of God27The Forge869

Matthew 22, 40Christ is passing by167

Matthew 23, 13Conversations93

Matthew 23, 23–24Friends of God90

Matthew 25, 1–2Friends of God40

Matthew 25, 6Friends of God40

Matthew 25, 10–11Friends of God41

Matthew 25, 12Friends of God41

Matthew 25, 14Friends of God45

Matthew 25, 18Friends of God3045

Matthew 25, 21Christ is passing by162Friends of God221The Way819

Matthew 25, 23Christ is passing by35

Matthew 25, 31–40Christ is passing by111

Matthew 25, 41–43Christ is passing by167

Matthew 26, 41The Forge487753

Matthew 26, 48Friends of God121

Matthew 26, 63Christ is passing by72

Matthew 27, 12The Forge711

Matthew 27, 17–23The Way296

Matthew 27, 23The Way671

Matthew 27, 27–31The Forge711

Matthew 27, 39–40Friends of God288

Matthew 27, 46Friends of God288

Matthew 27, 55–56The Way982

Matthew 27, 55Christ is passing by61

Matthew 27, 66The Forge259660

Matthew 28, 1–2The Forge676

Matthew 28, 19–20Christ is passing by35139The Way904

Matthew 28, 19Furrow232462930