List of points

There are 4 points in Furrow refer to Laziness.

You told me with a boasting but uncertain swagger that some go up and others go down… And others, like yourself!, are just idling.

Your indolence saddened me, and I added: idlers are made to shift by those going up; and — normally with greater vigour — also by those going down. Consider what an uncomfortable attitude you are adopting!

The holy bishop of Hippo already pointed it out: not to go forward is to go back.

Let us flee from the false humility whose real name is comfort-seeking.

Obstacles…? Sometimes they may be present. But at times you just invent them out of cowardice or love of comfort. —How cleverly the devil makes those excuses for not working look plausible! He knows full well that sloth is the mother of all vices.

The Most Holy Trinity grants you grace and expects you to make use of it responsibly. Given such an endowment, there is no place for your adopting easy, slow, lazy attitudes… because, apart from everything else, souls await you.