List of points

There are 6 points in Furrow refer to Heaven.

Nobody is happy on earth until he decides not to be. This is the way the path goes: suffering — in Christian terms! — the Cross; God’s Will, Love; happiness here and, afterwards, eternally.

The path of humility takes you everywhere… but above all to Heaven.

Fight against your harshness of character, against your selfishness, your spirit of comfort and your dislikes… We have to be co-redeemers; and, besides, consider carefully that the prize you receive will bear a very direct relation to the sowing you may have done.

Time is our treasure, the “money” with which to buy eternity.

If at any time you feel uneasy at the thought of our sister death because you see yourself to be such a poor creature, take heart. Heaven awaits us and consider: what will it be like when all the infinite beauty and greatness, and happiness and Love of God will be poured into the poor clay vessel that the human being is, to satisfy it eternally with the freshness of an ever new joy?

When encountering the bitter injustice of this life, how the honest soul rejoices remembering the eternal Justice of its eternal God!

—With the knowledge of its own wretchedness, it utters with a fruitful desire that Pauline exclamation: Non vivo ego — it’s not me living now! It’s Christ who lives in me! And He will live for ever.

References to Holy Scripture