List of points

There are 5 points in Furrow refer to Love of God.

Those of us who have dedicated ourselves to God, have lost nothing.

Nobody is happy on earth until he decides not to be. This is the way the path goes: suffering — in Christian terms! — the Cross; God’s Will, Love; happiness here and, afterwards, eternally.

I am not the apostle I should be. I am… too timid.

Could it not be that you are fainthearted, because your love is small? It is time to change!

Love good people because they love Christ… —Love those too who do not love him, because of this misfortune, and especially because Christ loves both kinds of people.

“You won’t laugh, Father, will you, if I tell you that, a few days ago, I found myself spontaneously offering the Lord the sacrifice of time it meant for me to mend a broken toy for one of my little children?”

—I am not laughing. I am delighted because with that Love, God sets about mending our faults.