List of points

There are 8 points in Furrow refer to Love.

He seemed to be totally determined… But, when he took up his pen to break with his girl friend, his indecision and lack of courage got the better of him: it was all very human and understandable, people said. According to some, it seems human love is not among the things which one has to leave behind in order to follow Jesus Christ totally, when He asks you.

To be happy, what you need is not an easy life but a heart which is in love.

After twenty centuries, we have to proclaim with complete conviction that the spirit of Christ has not lost its redemptive force, which alone can satisfy the desires of the human heart. —Begin by feeding that truth into your own heart, which will be perpetually restless, as Saint Augustine wrote, for as long as you don’t place it entirely in God.

To love is… to cherish but one thought, to live for the person loved, not to belong to oneself, to be happily and freely, with one’s heart and soul, subjected to another’s will… and at the same time to one’s own.

You still do not love the Lord as a miser loves his riches, as a mother loves her child… You are still too concerned about yourself and about your petty affairs! And yet you have noticed that Jesus has already become indispensable in your life…

—Well, as soon as you correspond completely to his call, he will also be indispensable to you in each one of your actions.

Cry aloud — for that cry is the folly of one in love: “Lord, even though I love you… don’t trust me! Bind me to yourself, more closely every day!”

Don’t doubt it: the heart has been created to love. Let us therefore bring Our Lord Jesus Christ into all the love that we feel. Otherwise, the empty heart takes revenge and fills itself up with the most despicable vileness.

If the word love is often on your lips, without being backed by little sacrifices, it becomes tedious.