List of points

There are 7 points in The Forge refer to Supernatural Outlook .

Feel the responsibility of your mission: the whole of Heaven is looking down on you.

Each and every creature, each and every event of this life, without exception, must be steps which take you to God, which move you to know him and love him, to give him thanks, and to strive to make everyone else know and love him.

You have to work with such supernatural vision that you let yourself be absorbed by your activity only in order to make it divine. In this way the earthly becomes divine, the temporal eternal.

With a supernatural outlook, with serenity and peace. That is the way to see things, people and events — from the viewpoint of eternity.

And then, whatever barrier blocks your way — even if it is, humanly speaking, enormous — when you really raise your eyes to Heaven, how tiny it becomes!

In our spiritual life, we often have to be ready to lose on earth so as to win in Heaven. This way we always win.

Keep going forward cheerfully and trying hard, even though you are so little — nothing at all!

—When you are with Him nobody in the world can stop you. Consider, moreover, how everything is good for those who love God. Everything in this world can be put right, except death, and for us death is Life.

I was saying to you that even people who had not received baptism were moved when they were telling me, “I can well understand that saintly souls must be happy, for they look at events with a vision that is above the things of this world. They see things with the eyes of eternity.”

May you not lack that same vision, I added afterwards, so that you can respond to the special love with which the Blessed Trinity has treated you.

References to Holy Scripture