List of points

There are 4 points in The Forge refer to Resolutions.

Any time is the right time to make an effective resolution, to say “I believe”, to say “I hope”, to say “I love”.

Love Our Lord passionately. Love him madly! Because if there is love there — when there is love — I would dare to say that resolutions are not needed. My parents — think of yours — did not need to make any resolutions to love me: and what an effusion of tenderness they showed me, in little details every day!

With that same human heart we can and should love God.

You are amazed to find that in each of the possibilities for improvement there are many different goals…

—They are other ways within the way, and they help you to avoid possible routine and bring you closer to Our Lord.

—Be generous: aim for the highest.

If you were consistent, now that you have seen his light you would want to be as great a saint as you were once a sinner: and you would struggle to make those desires a reality.