List of points

There are 12 points in The Forge refer to Divine Filiation .

In these times of violence and brutal, savage sexuality, we have to be rebels: we refuse point blank to go with the tide, and become beasts.

We want to behave like children of God, like men and women who are on intimate terms with their Father, who is in Heaven and who wants to be very close to — inside! — each one of us.

When you really come to love God’s Will you will never, even in the worst state of agitation, lose sight of the fact that our Father in Heaven is always close to you, very close, right next to you, with his everlasting Love and with his unbounded affection.

To be afraid of anything or anybody, but especially of the person who directs our soul, is unworthy of a son of God.

When the Lord brought you into the Church he put an indelible mark upon your soul through Baptism: you are a son of God. — Don’t forget it.

Give thanks often to Jesus, for through him, with him and in him you are able to call yourself a son of God.

Rest in divine filiation. God is a Father — your Father! — full of warmth and infinite love.

—Call him Father frequently and tell him, when you are alone, that you love him, that you love him very much!, and that you feel proud and strong because you are his son.

Cheerfulness is a necessary consequence of our divine filiation, of knowing that our Father God loves us with a love of predilection, that he welcomes us, helps us and forgives us.

—Remember this and never forget it: even if it should seem at times that everything is collapsing, nothing is collapsing at all, because God doesn’t lose battles.

The best way of showing our gratitude to God is to be passionately in love with the fact that we are his children.

You can be sure of the following: the desire — shown by deeds! — to live like a good son of God brings permanent youthfulness and serenity, joy and peace.

You cannot behave like a naughty child, or like a madman.

—You have to be strong, a child of God. You have to be calm in your professional work and in your dealings with others, with a presence of God which makes you give perfect attention to even the smallest details.

Devotion to Our Lady in Christian souls awakens the supernatural stimulus we need, to act like domestici Dei, as members of God’s family.

Woes? Setbacks deriving from one thing or another? Can’t you see that this is the will of your Father-God… He is good… and He loves you — loves you personally — more than all the mothers in the world can possibly love their children?

References to Holy Scripture