List of points

There are 10 points in The Way refer to Governance.

Never correct anyone while you are still indignant about a fault committed. Wait until the next day, or even longer. And then, calmly, and with a purer intention, make your reprimand. You will gain more by one friendly word than by a three-hour quarrel. Control your temper.

Your very inexperience leads you to that presumption, to that vanity, to all that you imagine gives you an air of importance.

Correct yourself, please. Foolish and all, you might come to occupy a position of responsibility (it has happened more than once) and, if you are not convinced of your lack of ability, you will refuse to listen to those who have the gift of counsel. And it frightens me to think of the harm your mismanagement will do.

When you see people of uncertain professional standing acting as leaders at public functions of a religious nature, don't you feel the urge to whisper in their ears: Please, would you mind being just a little less Catholic?

If you have an official position, you have also certain rights which arise from the practice of that office, and certain duties.

You stray from your apostolic way if you use the opportunity — or the excuse — offered by a work of zeal to leave the duties of your position unfulfilled. For you will lose that professional prestige which is your 'bait' as a 'fisher of men.'

If they see you weaken… and you are the leader, it is no wonder their obedience falters.

What a pity that whoever is in charge doesn't give you good example! But, is it for his personal qualities that you obey him? Or do you conveniently interpret Saint Paul's 'obey your leaders' with a qualification of your own…, 'always provided they have virtues to my taste'?

To aspire to positions in any apostolic undertaking is a useless thing in this life, and a danger for the next.

If it's what God wants, you will be called. And then you ought to accept. But don't forget that wherever you are you can and you must become a saint, for that is why you are there.

If you are working for Christ and imagine that a position of responsibility is anything but a burden, what disillusionment awaits you!

To be in charge of an apostolic undertaking demands readiness to suffer everything, from everybody, with infinite charity.

May I never see 'cliques' developing in your work. It would make a mockery of the apostolate: for if, in the end, the 'clique' got

control of a universal undertaking, how quickly that universal undertaking would be reduced to a clique itself!

References to Holy Scripture