You were scared of following the way of the children of God, for in the name of the Lord you were urged to do your duty, to deny yourself and climb down from your ivory tower. You excused yourself from taking part… and I admit that I do not find it at all strange that you should now feel that weight which is oppressing you: a set of complexes and twisted complications, of inhibitions and scruples, which leaves you useless.

Don’t be annoyed with me if I tell you that you have behaved with less courage than depraved people, who boldly propagate evil, as if you were worse or lower than them.

Surge et ambula! — get up and walk. Make up your mind! You can still get rid of that evil dead weight if you listen with the grace of God to what he is asking, and, above all, if you do it fully and wholeheartedly!

References to Holy Scripture
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