The annunciation

Don't forget, my friend, that we are children. The Lady of the sweet name, Mary, is withdrawn in prayer.

You, in that house, are whatever you want to be: a friend, a servant, an onlooker, a neighbour… —I, at this moment, don't dare to be anything. I hide behind you; full of awe, I contemplate the scene:

The Archangel delivers his message… Quomodo fiet istud, quoniam virum non cognosco? —How shall this be done since I know not man? (Luke 1:34)

Our Mother's voice brings to my memory —by contrast— all the impurities of men… mine too.

And then how I hate the low, mean things of the earth…What resolutions!

Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum.— Be it done unto me according to Thy word (Luke 1:38). By the enchantment of this virginal phrase, the Word was made flesh.

The first decade is about to end… I still have time to tell my God, before anyone else does: Jesus, I love You.

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